Protein Purification Kit
4-in-1 RNA/miRNA/DNA/Protein Purification Kit
Catalog# : NB-24200
Price/Unit : $295.00
Unit : 20 preps
Purify RNA, microRNA, total proteins and genomic DNA from the same sample
* Purify RNA, microRNA, proteins and DNA from a single sample
* No phenol extraction step
* Fast and easy processing
* Ideal for precious, difficult to obtain or small samples
* Flexible protocol allows for total RNA purificaiton (including microRNA) or separate enrichment of microRNAs
Bio-Synthesis All-in-One Purification Kit provides a rapid method for the isolation and purification of total RNA including microRNA, genomic DNA and proteins sequentially from a single sample of cultured animal cells, small tissue samples, blood, bacteria, yeast, fungi or plants. In addition, a microRNA Enrichment Column is provided for the optional seperate purification of small RNA (<200>200 nt) and the small/microRNA (<200>
* No phenol - Isolate RNA, DNA and proteins without the use of phenol or chloroform
* Complete column purification Isolate total or micro-enriched RNA- Two different protocols are provided to isolate either total RNA, including all sizes of RNA from large rRNA to microRNA, or separately isolate microRNA species (<200>200 nt)
* Reduce variability - RNA, DNA and proteins are isolated from a single sample with no splitting of the lysate, thus reducing inconsistent results and variability.
* Isolate from small samples - Sequential isolation of RNA, DNA and protein from a single sample. Ideal for precious, difficult to obtain or small samples.
* Rapid procedure - Isolate total RNA, genomic DNA and total proteins OR microRNA, large RNA, genomic DNA and proteins from a single sample in <>
Figure 1. Sequential Isolation of microRNA, Large RNA, Genomic DNA and Proteins from 1 x 106 HeLa Cells. Panels A and B show the separate isolation of large RNA and microRNA from 2 different samples of HeLa cells. Panel A is a 1X MOPS 1% agarose gel and Panel B is a 10% urea-PAGE gel. In both gels, Lane M is Bio-Synthesis's 1Kb RNA Ladder, Lanes 1 and 2 contain 3 µL out of the 50 µL elutions of the large RNA fraction, and Lanes 3 and 4 contain 3 µL out of the 50 µL elutions of the microRNA fractions. Panel C is a 1% agarose gel showing the gDNA isolated from the same 2 HeLa cell samples. Lane M is Bio-Synthesis's UltraRanger DNA Ladder and Lanes 1 and 2 contain 10 µL of each of the 100 µL elutions. Panel D is a 12% SDS-PAGE gel that contains the proteins that were isolated from the 2 HeLa cell samples. Lane M is a protein ladder and Lanes 1 and 2 contain 10 µL of the 100 µL elution of proteins that had been column purified. The large RNA, microRNA, gDNA and proteins are all intact and of the highest integrity and quality. Furthermore, the kit allows for the successful separate isolation of microRNA (<200>200nt).
Figure 2. Sequential Isolation of microRNA, Large RNA, Genomic DNA and Proteins from 5 x 106 Yeast Cells. Panels A shows the separate isolation of large RNA and microRNA from a plasmid-containing yeast culture. Panel A depicts the resolution of 1 µL of the 50 µL large RNA (Top) and small RNA (Bottom) fractions on an Agilent RNA Nano 6000 Chip. Panel B is a 1% agarose gel showing 10 µL of 100 µL of the gDNA and plasmid DNA isolated from the same yeast samples with Bio-Synthesis's UltraRanger DNA Ladder as molecular weight marker. Panel C is a 12% SDS-PAGE gel that contains 10 µL of 100 µL of the proteins that were isolated from the yeast samples. The large RNA, microRNA, gDNA and proteins are all intact and of the highest integrity and quality. Furthermore, the kit allows for the successful separate isolation of microRNA (<200>200nt) with the complete elimination of large rRNA in the small RNA fraction.
Figure 3. Isolate High Quality RNA. RNA was isolated from 0.8 million HeLa cells using Bio-Synthesis's All-in-One Purification Kit and a leading market competitor for multiple analyte isolations. Half a microgram of the purified RNA (50 µL elution volume) was used as the template in a 20 µL reverse transcription reaction using oligo dT primers. One microliter of the RT reaction was used in a 20 µL qPCR reaction using the human GAPDH primers, and the results are shown in the PCR baseline graph. The blue lines correspond to the PCR results when RNA isolated using Bio-Synthesis's kit was used as the template, while the green lines correspond to the results when RNA isolated using the competitors kit was used as the template. From the graph it can be seen that Bio-Synthesis's kit isolated RNA with a greater sensitivity, and that more RNA was isolated from the same input as evidenced by the lower Ct values for the Bio-Synthesis-isolated RNA.
All-in-One Purification Kit (Total RNA, microRNA, total proteins and genomic DNA) Components
1. Lysis Solution
2. RNA Wash Solution
3. RNA Elution Solution
4. gDNA Wash Solution
5. gDNA Elution Buffer
6. Protein Wash Buffer
7. Protein pH Binding Buffer
8. Protein Elution Buffer
9. Protein Neutralizer
10. Protein Loading Dye
11. All-in-One Spin Columns
12. microRNA Enrichment Column
13. Collection Tubes
14. Elution tubes
15. Product Insert
Long-Term Storage : The Protein Loading Dye should be stored at -20°C upon arrival. All other solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. These reagents should remain stable for at least 1 year in their unopened containers
Product Usage
For laboratory research use only, not for diagnostic use! Not for use in humans.
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